Affiliated Genealogists

Do you need help in finding your Ancestor document? Do you want someone else to do the work on your behalf? Ask one of our Affiliated Genealogists to apply on your behalf.

The Certificate of Irish Heritage is not a party to any research or service agreements entered into between consumers and Affiliated Genealogists, and consequently is not responsible for the terms or outcome of any such agreement.


Irish Accreditation

MAPGI – Member of the Association of Professional Genealogists in Ireland – the accrediting body for Irish Genealogists

United States Accreditations

CG – Certified Genealogist (Board for the Certification of Genealogists)
AG – Accredited Genealogist (International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists)

List of Affiliated Genealogists

Name Business Name Location
Brian G. Andersson New York, USA
Michael Hait, C.G. Harrington, Delaware, USA
Michael D. Healy, B.Sc., M.Sc. Ballycastle Enterprises, LLC Reston, Virginia, USA
Helen Kelly, MAPGI Helen Kelly Genealogy Dublin, Ireland
Kelly Leary K.B. Genealogy & Research Florida, USA
Mary P. McConnon, B.Sc., M.A. MC Research Co Louth, Ireland
Hilda McGauley, M.Sc., MAPGI Records Ireland Dublin, Ireland
Nicola Morris, MAPGI Timeline Research Ltd. Dublin, Ireland
Eileen M. Ó Dúill, C.G., MAPGI HeirsIreland Dublin, Ireland
D. Barry Sheldon, B.A. Above the Branches Genealogy Berrien Springs, Michigan, USA