Customer Testimonials

What do recipients of the Certificate of Irish Heritage have to say about the service and product? Read some of our Customer Testimonials…

“I received my Certificate of Irish Heritage yesterday. May I tell you how pleased I am with the certificate. The quaility of the packaging was most impressive as the framed certificate was fully protected. The quality and beauty of the framed certificate is outstanding. Please let me attest to the absolute quality fo the product you are offering for sale. I am sure thousands of people with Irish heritage, world wide, would be proud to have what I now have hanging on my front room wall. Warm regards to you all”
T.F. – Alberta, Canada

“Your document finding service is excellent – couldn’t have done it without you!”
Jack – USA

“I think your service is great. I am very pleased with the response, the correspondence, and the product. I have told my sisters about it. We will be getting a certificate for our mother for Mother’s Day. We have also connected with cousins living in Ireland and are planning a trip to see them later this year. This certificate feels like one more connection to them and the family members who emigrated in 1847. Thank you!!!”
M.C. – Alaska

“I received the certificate one day after you emailed me that it was sent. Outstanding!!”
F.D. – USA

“I think it is fantastic! I am delighted with my Certificate which now has pride of place in my living room!”
Maureen – UK

“It is a very professional service”
Patrick – Canada

“Your service is excellent, Caroline always helped me and answered my mails at the same day I’m very happy with the certificate. I would like visit your Country…our Country!”
E.L. – Argentina

“Your concept is great and I am proud to have the Certificate displayed in my home and I intend traveling to Ireland in the next 3 months to research my ancestors’ history and see Ireland”
Shannon – New Zealand

“You have done a great job in all aspects and I congratulate you on the excellent product and service”
M.D. – Australia